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Reinforcement for corners, windows, doors and openings

Striplath is a flat, expanded metal strip used as plaster reinforcement over joints of solid bases and where dissimilar bases join. It is flexible for use over irregular surfaces.

Application(s): Stucco, Stone Veneer

Commonly attached diagonally at the corners of doors, windows, or other areas prone to cracking. It may also be used to span pipe chases or to reinforce other stress points, such as the corners of openings in the stucco membrane within the lath system.  Striplath is an excellent mechanical break for painted steel when applying fireproofing.

For spray-fireproofing systems, strip lath provides pre-cut widths which are easy to install and meet requirements for mechanical breaks on painted steel.


Code Approvals & Performance Standards


PRoduct submittal SHeets

Click the below Product Code to view Submittal/Tech Datasheet.

Product Code Description
LAST Striplath (4" x 8' and 6" x 8')

ClarkDietrich SubmittalPro®

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